To our valued users

🎉 Welcome! 😁 👏


Congratulations for the decision on taking your planning and productivity to the next level. 


These are 3 key factors in which your life is about to change:


1.     You will feel empowered to get the results that you want by using a proven methodology for prioritizing and scheduling your tasks. 

2.     Your anxiety and stress levels will be significantly reduced. Any sense of overwhelm will be replaced by a sense of direction and confidence that comes from planning and scheduling your tasks in advance. 

3.     You will have more focus, harmony and balance, so the people around you will benefit from your improved work and life balance. 


I have compressed over a decade of experience in time management,  project management and productivity into this app, and I want to make sure you start taking advantage of this great tool right away, so be sure to follow these next steps:


Step 1


Click on this Link GamePlan Tutorials to have access to a quick start up guide. If your prefer a video format, click on this link: GamePlan Demo Video.


Step 2


Get advantage of the momentum you have on this moment, and start planning and scheduling your tasks TODAY. Start with something simple, quick and easy to do, but do something TODAY. Momentum is POWER, and this will help you keep momentum in the direction you have chosen. Remember, nothing gets better by chance, it gets better by CHANGE. 


I want to let you know how truly grateful and honored I feel for the opportunity to serve you. If you have any questions or need any support please contact our team at


I want to finish these lines with the following advice to you: always strive to be more, and achieve more, and give more.


I wish you nothing but success in everything you do. 

With appreciation, 



Jose Colon


Breakthrough Technologies LLC

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